Monday, 25 September 2017

Quick Wellness for when you're over 50

Wellness Quick Cure for anyone over 50 

It works for me so likely it will work for you as well. 

NOTE: You have to be inspired to get well: either by desperation or inspiration. If you want to die, this information isn't for you.

Nothing works if you don't do it consistently for at least a year.  If you're over 50 that's quick, right?
So get clear with yourself that you are going to change because you're desperate to change your physical and emotional state to a better one.

How to do it: 
Choose one thing and do that, then a week later choose another item on the list and start that as well, so you've added two new good things. A week later add the third, and so on. 

If you fail at doing even one thing for a week tap along to this video: 
Then this video : do over and all others that seem to appeal until you can function.

Iodine : Lugolls iodine available on Amazon how to use it You will get a burst of energy, will no longer feel exhausted your thinking will suddenly clear and you will feel like a new person.

Short daily exercises
Exercise after a meal or treat.Liver stomach system daily cleanse weight loss tonic. 
30mins before breakfast daily drink this: 
Magnesium oil on feet, in foot bath, rub on painful muscles daily. Make by getting magnesium chloride crystals and dissolve 1-1 with water. Eases muscle spasms, gives good sleep, spray on chest for asthma attacks.
Quit eating processed foods: eliminate eating anything with a tv ad.
Do have occasional treats but keep treats as actual treats for
Go old fashioned: traditional cheese, home made breads, butter, salt, olive oil, coconut oil, organic fish, organic eggs, organic beef and start growing your own vegetables: even if it's only herbs and greens on your window sill.

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